a taste of heaven

a taste of heaven
Heaven on Earth

Freedom is the Cause

So if you’re
thinking OMG!!!!! This single mother is backpacking across the world with her
two small children….. What will they eat??? Where will they sleep??? Please
direct your attention to the button below, here you can donate as much ( or as
little) as your heart desires, and those questions you
ask will be solved. And
you’ll be showing your support for the cause.. What is the CAUSE, you ask…..
How far
would you like to see us go??

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Dead Man Walking

What’s worse than being stuck in a place you dream of leaving? Finally leaving that place and not being able to enjoy the new place because you stayed in that terrible place to long. I met an American man today here in Morocco, believe it or not I have met any Americans the whole time I’ve been here. I wondered where are all the Americans taking their vacations??? I was crazy excited, he was from Chicogo and he had that BL man swag that I have been missing so much.  But sadly about 5 min into the conversation he began to complain about the hardship of living in America, but we are not in the states, I thought. As a matter of fact we are in one of the most beautiful places on earth. And colonization is not a problem, because everyone I see looks just like me. Immediately I felt so sad for this man, at the same time feeling equally sad for myself that I had spent 10minunets of my beautiful vacation in such a low vibrational conversation. As soon as he came up for air I excused myself and walked away swiftly. As I left him standing behind me looking confused, I began to think about that saying “Oppression is worse than death” This poor man had lived over 60 years in pain and in chains and now that he was free, he left, but took his chains with him.
Dear Meracai
I was talking to my mother the other day and she asked my how could I marry someone like you. She does not see what I see in you. That smile that charm that charisma, and I know that your foundation is pure. I do kind of wonder though why do you look at me with such disgust. I used the bleaching cream you gave me, but it’s not working my skin is still brown, I straightened my hair just like you said, but the humidity just keeps making it bushy, I am so thankful for the contacts, but they hurt my eyes and I’m not sure if blue is my color. But I will keep trying, because I know that’s it’s me and as soon as I fix me then we will be okay. I nicked my finger when I was sewing the buttons on your shirt; I was so surprised that I bled Red White and Blue. When did this Happen? When did I become you? Was it when I stood by and watched you do things I knew were wrong, but my fear would not let me speak out. I remember that time I tried and you put your foot on my neck. You did not say anything, but the look in your eyes sent chills down my spine. Every time you leave a woman without her husband, I wanted to say something, but I still have the mark of stars on my face from the ring you were wearing when you hit me. But I know you don’t mean it, you just want what’s best for me. And I love you for that. Sometimes you make me so angry, but how can I stay mad when you come barring such wonderful gifts. That HD flat screen tv makes me feel like I’m right there in the movie, that I Phone is so nice ( you remembered that pink is my favorite color) and that Harry Winston Diamond Necklace sure makes me feel like a Queen ( I don’t even care how many children lost their limbs  for it, because I deserve the best). You tell me all the time that you are the greatest around and I will never find another like you.  I love to I hear you say United we stand it makes me feel like we are really becoming one. I found out I am pregnant today. I am so proud to be giving you my baby, I know you will treat her/him as good as you treat me. Remember those thoughts about equality I wanted to share with you, maybe we can finish that conversation later after swelling in my face goes down. Is this what you meant when you said black and blue look good on me? I remember grabbing my belly as I hit the floor; I hope the baby is okay. The nurse said I almost miscarried and I should think long and hard if I wanted to stay in a relationship like this one. What did she mean, this relationship is perfect!! Everyone I know has one just like it and they are all fine. I’ve never known anything else. I know we will get better, it has only been 500 years, and I have to give it time, right. As I laid in the bed looking at my bruised belly I wondered could life be different. I don’t know but I would like to find out before I die here at the mercy of your neurotic behavior. Meracai it breaks my heart to leave you, but please know that this is not good bye, I just need to take a break, I need to take some time to let my heart and my spirit heal. You have made it very clear that healing is not something I can do in your house. Please try to understand that I have to go, I am beginning to forget the names and faces of my ancestors. I told the nurse my name was Jill, but my mother keeps calling me Fatimah. If I don’t live now I will not remember how great I was born to be and I know that will be okay with you. I have loved you my love life, I don’t even know what it is like to love another, hell I don’t even know what it like to truly love myself. I need to know the feeling of truly being at peace.  I know you don’t understand this, but a stronger me makes a stronger you. My beloved Meracai I will see you again someday.

I wise woman once said: The heart and the spirit are fragile but the mind is strong, and we convince ourselves so many times,that if we just hang in there it will get better. But by the time we become comfortable in uncomfortable situations we have cracked our mind and completely broken our heart and spirit. And at that point we are all Dead Men Walking!!!